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Virtual Set Newtek Tricaster

Update Terakhir
01 / 12 / 2019
Min. Pembelian
Dilihat Sebanyak
63 kali



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Detail Virtual Set Newtek Tricaster

Product Essentials: 4 M/ E, 15-channel video switching with SDI I/ O, audio mixer, titles, buffers, warping transitions, DSK and DVE effects Rich creative production with mix-effect submixes, automated functions, network sources, extensive video effects, and even 3D virtual sets that look like on-location Completely customizable visuals to elevate brand and company identity Extensive automation and breakout control of commands and complex sequences Custom, interactive elements and effects sequences triggered by talent Built-in live streaming, social media publishing, and recording— with the push of a button Replace complex components that require cabling, extensive setup and configuration Location- and flight-case friendly
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